It’s a RepGen core belief that all Americans will experience positive individual and societal benefits from reparations and racial wealth equity. Since 2021 we’ve been surveying, interviewing, and co-creating with you, our RepGen network to reflect and assess if and how all of us benefit from Reparations. We’re excited to partner with Reparations Finance Lab (RFL) in these important efforts.
The HORT Pilot 2.0 launched in July 2024. It’s composed of Pilot 1.0 applicants who were either waitlisted or were unable to complete the program requirements within the timeframe allocated. Participant experience and feedback have guided modifications to further simplify and streamline the experience.
The Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan awarded Reparation Generation a $75,000 grant to support its pilot programs in Detroit. The Organization will use these funds in combination with other funds from individuals around the US to build Reparation Generation’s capacity to execute its current programs and plan for expansion and scaling of its models.
Reparation Generation will make $25,000 “reparative transfers” to help people in Detroit buy homes.
These aren’t grants or charitable gifts, the organization is quick to point out, but transfers of wealth from one class to another. Most of the funds came from white people in Berkeley and Los Angeles. The Black leaders of the organization determine the criteria for the payments and to whom they go.
Today, Reparation Generation launches as a new, citizen-driven approach to pursuing restoration for disenfranchised descendants of American slavery. They are a multiracial group of Americans proudly joining a national movement for truth and reconciliation. They seek to show reparations in action, and in turn, drive momentum to pass federal reparations for Black Americans.
All of us need to navigate our next individual and community level steps for learning, healing, and effectively advancing reparations. A great way to do this is to join the RepGen House Meeting Coach Squad.
While formal government reparations are the goal, Reparation Generation is compelled to act now to demonstrate forms of repair which can make the country we love more just, fair, and inclusive. We invite you to gather with others from around the country in this spirit. Every other month we host a “Meet RepGen” Virtual Housemeeting where we share our “reparations in actions” approach and how this advances the broader reparation movement. In the months in between we host a “Reparations Deep Dive” where we delve into a particular topic of importance related to RepGen’s work or the reparations movement at large. We invite you to sign up for one of our virtual house meetings below!